Bus from Barcelona to Pamplona great views but boy they love their wind farms 100s of Kms of them. Journey took (6hrs) so arrived about 9pm and checked into nice hotel (20 euro) slammed down a few bevies and a meal then sleep awaiting the trip to St Jean Pied De Port.
Next morning booked bus to Roncesvalles. They only have one bus a day it leaves at 3pm and only goes to Roncesvalles so the taxis can make a living from there to SJPDP. Spent the day looking around Pamps eating drinking and posting camping gear on to Santiago.
Bus now
Arrived at Roncesvalles low cloud freezing and no taxis. Finally one came and of to SJPDP with zero visibility and some very smelly Brazillians (the nationality not the hair style).
Arrived SJPDP after 9pm and after much stuffing around found the credencial office still open and got a scallop shell and pilgrim passport (credencial) and then we were paired with two Spanish guys to get the last beds in the town. We followed these guys for about 1km as the yelled out "pelligrino" at ever white house. Clearly being lead by fools we headed back into town and stayed at the Alburge we had meant to all along ie about 200m from the credencial office.
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