Thursday 19 July 2018

GS Scotland day 5 Grassmere - Yorkshire dales - Grassmere

It’s a panniers off day today. After a relaxed full English breakfast in the sunny garden it was off on a lakes district and Yorkshire dales mega loop.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Tour of Scotland day 3 Newcastle to Grasmere

The usual multiple anouncements on the ferry making it impossible to sleep in. Now to see if the bike has enough petrol to get to the first petrol station. I’m in luck and were off the ferry. Now what the fuck is this boarder control rubbish? I mean what is the point of all this Brexit rubish when we had to wait in line (burning fuel) to get passports checked and customs checked. With the closets paetrol sation punched in the GOS we were off into the dodgiest part of Newcastle. God this place can be depressing.
Found it, and what a Servo it is. It even had an outdoor laundromat facility for those who happend to trudge through this former industrial area with a swag of washing over their shoulder.

Servo pie, washing, glassing, fuel what more do you need

We headed straight sth heading for the lakes district and on leaving we crossed the river and saw the rather inticing heart of Newcastle. Must check it out properly.
On to grassmere via

Tuesday 17 July 2018

GS Scotland day 2 Sieversen to Amsterdam and ferry to Newcastle

Another motorway dash today. Servos, coffee, burgers and a sore bum later and we were at the ferry by 4:30 and on board by 5. The usual self strapping down of the bikes phaff took a while but we were soon settling into our cabin and to the poop deck for some well earned rumbos in the sun.
 Tomorrow UK

Monday 16 July 2018

GS Scotland day 1 Kolding to Sieversen

Left Kolding around 10 and head off to Toftlund mc garage to get our chains tightened. Then onward via motorways and autobahns (yawn) to a little pub in a small town south of Hambourg for the night.