Thursday, 4 October 2012

GS OZ Day 7 - Port Augusta 245k 4hrs

Awoke this morning to an Emu infestation. Great sleep and all my camping kit worked a treat. Special mention goes to the the chair and the deluxe Exped Syn mat which provided bed quality uninterrupted sleep.

Leasky had an off in the dirt this morning injuring his arm and Leg. Well he stubbed his toe and fell over running that is.

Did a great ride up through Brachina George and back down to Hawker. It was mostly dirt and scared myself a couple of times in some sand. Aapart from that the George was sensational and I'm slowly mastering riding standing up which allows the bike to do its thing and stay upright.

After the dirt we headed to port Augusta and settled in to a motel with air con where we resupplied and sucked down a few rumbos before a well earned pub meal.

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