Wednesday, 19 December 2012

GS OZ Day 83 Pallamallawa

Day two at Bellview. enjoyed a less uly morning with Trina and Pete catching up over breakfast coffee and lunch. Trina does catering. So
That afternoon we drove some food out to Cropper Creek to some friends that were having a big NYE bash. Trina and Pete also have property out here ap Trina showed me around the massive machinery and other assets required for this farming capper. Amongst these was a neww cotton harvester and bailer that bails the cotton in big round bales like those hay bled we are used to. This is one of very few of these in OZ as its relatively new tech for here.pete imported it and brought out an American guy to teach them how best to use it. The mega beast harvester (about the size of my house) shared a shed with a header with it's comb separated (pic).

I'm astonished at the investment required in machinery etc in this business all to be at the whim of the weather. Very cool toys though.

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