Wednesday, 31 October 2012

GS OZ Day 35 Kununurra 680km 7:30hr

Started at 7:30 by riding out to Geikie gorge for the last Fitzroy River cruise of the season. Spectacular, this gorge is part of an ancient (Davonian period) barrier reef, so the rocks are old coral. The white cliffs up close are positively Gaudian with there flowing scalloped shapes polish white by the floods. I saw my first wild crocodile (freshie) and heaps of birds but of course i cant remember their names, there was a night heron in there somewhere.

From the cruise it was 20k back to fitzroy before heading to Kununurra. This was my longest day so far. A day of 42 degree heat, road houses (some with bulls at the fuel pumps, WTF), fires, cattle, horses, eagles, road trains and endless green and red.

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